Jim is hauling sweet corn this week. So he is going to be gone tonight through next Tuesday. I really miss him when he is gone. He usually come home and plays with Charlotte while I clean up and cook dinner. She loves playing with him. He also help with the baths. Tonight we had to go it alone. She loves taking a bath, and it is just so much easier if she takes a bath with either me or Jim. But it is harder when you don't have someone to come and get her out when she is done. Tonight when I went to put Charlotte to bed in her crib Jim had left her a note, it said "Charlotte Goodnight I love you Dad" I just love that he thinks of little things like that. He is such a good dad. He is always thinking of little things like that, that will put a smile on my face. I just love him so much.....
On another note the store has done really crappy this week. I think it is because this is the first week all the kids go back to school, but I sure hope it gets back to normal. It didn't even pay for me to drive over there the past two days. I only brought in 100 dollars for two days. That is really bad. I just hope this store works out. I think I will feel better once the loan is paid off. Right now I am making enough to cover all the expenses for the store with nothing extra. So once the loan is paid off it will be better. I am also running some ads in the paper. I know it is going to take time for people to know that I am there and build my customer base. So it continues. Some days I think I am absolutely insane for doing this with a new baby and everything that is going on in my life right. I guess only time will tell if this was the dumbest thing I have ever done. I just keep think of what my sister Cherie says "You only regret the things you haven't done." So I have taken those words to heart and hope for the best.
yeah it always sucks when jason is out of town, it gives me a huge appreciation for single parents!
With your store have you tried passing out fliers at local children fairs/events or posting ads in grocery stores! It is free advertising and can reach a large group of people quickly. This time of year might get slow but many times as christmas closes in people get things as gifts!
Oh my god...that little note! It made me cry. Can't believe he's such a sap. Love it!!
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