Monday, January 26, 2009

Did you know??

OK I posted this on facebook but I thought I would post it on here too. 25 random facts, goals,wishes, etc, about myself. It was actually kind of hard to think of 25 random things. So now I want everyone to do the same. Leave me a comment with 12 random things about yourself. 1. I wish I wore glasses 2.contrary to popular belief I am a very good cook! I love to cook. 3. I love to draw and I am good at it. I started going to school for commercial art but life got in the way, and I didn't get very far. I wish I would have stuck it out, 4. I like that I have grey hair 5. I am more comfortable with my body now then I have ever been. I want to lose weight, but my will power is very weak, and since I have had Charlotte I am happy in my own skin. 6. I wish I lived in Washington State 7. I hate talking on the phone 8. I have wanted to be pregnant since Charlotte was born. I enjoyed being pregnant, but hated everything that came with it. I will not be getting pregnant anytime soon though so don't ask! 9. I judge public bathrooms by the smell of their soap, no matter how clean they are if they have crappy soap then they are crappy! 10. I am a very organized person. I didn't say my house was spotless, just organized! 11. I want to take classes for both Photography and cake decorating. I had so much fun doing Charlotte's cake I want to get better at it. I love photography and I now a lot about different aspects but I want to get better, and be able to put it all together so I can take great pictures of Charlotte. 12.I love my car. I will never by anything but a Volkswagen ever again! Go ahead and laugh!! 13. I absolutely hate doing laundry. give me any other household chore but that! 14. I didn't want a big wedding, I wanted to elope (St. Lucia was my choice) but Jim wanted a big wedding. Guess who won! 15. I love staying up late, it is my alone time and I also like being alone 16. I hate people who are not polite and people who do not know how to use good grammar! It drives me crazy! 17. I went to Florida and never went to Disneyland:( 18. I am pretty sure Mint Ice cream was the best invention ever. 19. My favorite holiday is Halloween, but I always look forward to St. Patricks day because it is the only time you can get corn beef and cabbage 20. I have to have socks on all the time. I hate being barefoot. even during labor I kept my socks on:) 21.I didn't think I would like being a mom. I was so wrong. 22.I love the fact that Jim still holds my hand when we are in the car. 23.I wear my watch on my right hand even though I am right handed. 24.I want to spend a month in Hawaii, I would like to rent a house on the beach. really I would rather just buy a beach house in Hawaii nu I am pretty sure that 25. I didn't want to go out with Jim when we first met. I am glad I did it anyway. He has turned out to be the best man for the job:) OK and now the thing I love the most! The way Charlotte smells. I am sure it is because I am her mother, but I love the way she smells. It is a little weird but she has a wonder sweet smell to her. Since the moment she was born I have loved putting nose in her hair and just being close to her.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

What's up Doc???

Charlotte's year old well baby check was on Thursday and sadly I found out she is a year old!! OK just kidding I found out more then that. She is now 21lbs 8oz and 29.8 inches long. She has hit all of her milestones and the doctor said she is doing great. I don't want to be one of those mom's who thinks her kid is a genius and no other baby could be as smart as my kid type of person so what I am about to say is just what the doctor said and it is not me bragging. I thought it was completely normal until she said something. Charlotte is very quick when it comes to learning new words and the doctor said she knows a lot more words then most 12 month old babies. OK there I said it. She picks up on words very easily. She knows Mama, Dada, hi, bye bye, cat, puppy, ba ba (for bottle), eyes, horse, uh oh, bear, there are a few more but I have just hit a blank in my memory. So she is doing really good when it comes to talking. Now on to the shots. as most people know I put Charlotte on my own vaccination schedule. I do believe that vaccinations are very important and they prevent a lot of illness. The problem I have with them is that the CDC and FDA do not do the sort of tests on these vaccinations that I think need to be done. I am perfectly aware that there is no known connection between Autism and vaccinations but at the same time they can not say there isn't some sort of connection. The number of recommended vaccinations for baby and children has climbed along with the rate of children who develop Autism. So it is very scary for me, especially because I have two family members with the condition. So the schedule called for Charlotte to get six vaccinations in four shots. There were two that I had decided that she would defiantly not get (Chicken Pox & Hep A) The chicken pox's one will will not get at all and the hep A she will get before she starts school. The other two pneumococcal and the MMR (measles mumps and rubella). She received the pneumococcal, but the MMR she did not. I have been dreading the MMR shot since she was born. This is the shot that has so much controversy surrounding it. So I did my research and I decided that I would give Charlotte the MMR shot but I want the shots separately and spread out over six months. Well guess what? They no longer make the individual shots. So what is a worried mother to do? I could not give her the MMR shot. I just couldn't do it. So I came home and did a little Internet surfing and went back and read a few different chapters and I have decided to wait until she 2 1/2. I will then give her the MMR shot. This way her brain has time to develop and she will then be covered for the diseases. The doctor said that the individual shots may become available again in the near future and if that happens then she will get them sooner. It is just so scary. 1-150 babies now develop Autism and on top of that we have the condition in our family. I will be very glad once this is over and she has all the shots she needs.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Charlotte's Party Recap

Mom prepared to clean up the very messy CHARLOTTE Laurie, Nickolas, and Charlotte Charlotte on her new 4 wheeler. We had beer and baby bottles the perfect baby party:) I am 1!!!!! & a mess!!
OK so I have been out of touch for the last week and everyone wants to know "How was Charlotte's Birthday?" So here goes. Charlotte is now a year old and this last year has went so fast. I have always heard everyone say that kids grows so fast, but until now it didn't make sense. It really seems like yesterday I was in the hospital giving birth to her and now she is walking, talking, little goof head. She is such a wonderful little person, and I can't really believe that I get to keep her. So now onto the party. It was a pretty crazy couple of days. My dad had surgery two days before so I asked Monya to come and help me with the decorating and cooking. The night before I made her cakes. I was so worried that the cakes wouldn't turn out. I am good at baking but I had never attempted decorating a cake. SO as you can see by the pictures the cakes turned out perfect. I was so happy. We had a really good time. Charlotte was a little overwhelmed by all the people, but thanks to Monya, I was able to do what I needed to do and she took Charlotte. It just goes to show how much Charlotte loves both Dave and Monya. When Charlotte finally warmed up to the crowd she had a really good time. The guest list included----- Jim's mom, sister(Mindi), brother(Duane), My brother Pete and his wife Vicki, My nieces Kirstie and Kendra, our neighbors Steve and his daughter Kim, Our good friends, Laurie, Herbie, and their son B.J., Of course the famous Granny Jo A.K.A. (Corky), her granddaughter Amanda, Our friend Devin, and her adorable little boy Nickolas. I think that was it but I am sure I forgot someone. Anyway Charlotte got a ton of gifts. I am not going to name everything because it would give me carpal tunnel. Lets just say the kid will have plenty of stuff to keep her busy. She had a really good day.
Since Charlotte's party things have just been crazy around here. My dad has been sick. He ended up in the ER again, and now his second surgery has been postponed. So I have had to take care of him, and that is not an easy task. He is so stubborn about everything. In between there I was sick for 3 days, and the thing that surprises most people is on top of all of that I sold my business. Yes, you read that right. I sold my store. About three weeks ago a lady got in contact with me and asked if I would be interested in sell my store. Things had started to get rough for us and money was becoming increasingly tight. I was starting to worry that we wouldn't be able to make ends meet and that I would end up having to close the store anyway, so I talk with Jim and we both decided that this would be a huge weight off our shoulders. I was really sad to give up everything that I had worked so hard to put together, but at the same time I was so relieved to not have to worry about how I was going to pay the rent for the store. It was a horrible time to open a business but I wanted to stay home with Charlotte soooooooo bad, that I thought I could make it work. It is really crazy now that I think about it. I opened the store when Charlotte was less then three months old. I put so much work into it. I was breastfeeding and tagging clothes at the same time. I know that is a bad visual imagine but it was true. The lady I sold the store to was complaining about how much work she had to do before she opened the store again. I seriously wanted to look her right in the eye and slap her across the face. The store is pretty much put together except for a few of the racks of clothing that we had started to take home. So she had to re-hang the stuff, and she had a bit of cleaning to do. Other then that the store is ready for business. She really has no idea how easy she has it. It really pissed me off now that I really think about it. I had to paint the store, wax the floors, put up the rack, sort all the clothes into sizes and gender, put all the clothes on hangers, tag every single piece of clothing, put up the shelves, and counters, get the sign for the outside of the store, move the furniture, I could go on and on but I am not going to because it just makes me realize how mad it makes me that she takes it granted. Don't get me wrong I am glad she is doing it and I am glad she came to me when I needed to get out, but it is just the fact that she doesn't have a clue how easy she has it. She got one hell of a deal. I basically sold everything for what I owed. I didn't make anything by selling it. I gave her the rights to the name and everything in the store. All I can say is she got one hell of a deal. OK enough about that, it is done and I am glad! Sort of.......
I am hoping to get back to my project of copying, scanning, and transferring the pictures, slides, and movies. I now have the correct software for my computer so now I will be able to get them done. I am also going to return to Poynette to finish up making copies of the Allen book. I now have most of the pictures scanned and copied, so if there is anyone that would like copies of the disc please let me know. I am going to go full steam until I get them done. I really want to start working on my own copy of the Allen book, but I have to get this other stuff done first. I have a lot of stuff to give to Faith, my Uncle Bob, and Dennis Kluge, so if any of you are reading this I have not forgotten about you! I promise. I will get everything to all of you very soon.
Well I think that should cover it. Just another day in the life of Jonette Ferguson. I guess it is better then having a boring existence. Hopefully things will start to settle down now. YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's my Party

What the #@%* is that???
Grandpa Dave & Grandma Monya with Charlotte.
Who is having more fun? Dave or Charlotte?? You
be the judge!!
Grandma Monya & the 1 year old
DAD & Charlotte
This present stuff is cool!!
This is so much fun!!
Fun to be 1!!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

3,2,.............ONE Year Old

I can hardly believe Charlotte is going to be a year old on Sunday. Last year I could barely figure out how I was going to handle a newborn let alone a toddler. She is walking, talking, developing her personality. Which I must say is just like her momma! She has figured out how to throw temper tantrums. Which has been really hard for Jim. He just doesn't want her to cry. So yesterday when we went to the doctor I asked her what I should do (While Jim was listening) and she told me that I need to ignore the tantrum and let her cry it out. Otherwise it is going to be a long road. So problem solved. Jim only believe something I tell him when he hears it from someone else. So we are working on stopping the tantrums. We brush her teeth when we are in the bath tub and she wants to hold the brush and chew on it and chew on the toothpaste so when I take the brush she throws a fit. So last night Jim helped me instead of just letting her have it. So now we are both on the same page. He is such a good dad. Charlotte loves him to pieces. When he comes home she literally hyperventilates when he walks in the door. She trips over her own feet trying to run to him. I love it. He plays with her from the minute he walks in the door until I put her to sleep. He is just dying to get her powerwheel put together and give it to her. We are having a small party for her on Sunday. Just close family and friends. I went and bought two fancy cake pans and I am going to attempt to make her birthday cake. One is a big cupcake (Which is the theme of the party) and a ladybug. I have been practicing my cake decorating technique. I hope they turn out. I enjoy baking so I think I can handle this. I order her a whole cupcake theme package of decorations. I am really upset with the company I ordered them from. I placed the ordered over two and half weeks ago and I still haven't received the stuff. I called them on Monday and they said it should be here today, which would be fine except her part invitations were in the order, and it is getting kind of late to send them out. So I had to go to hallmark and buy her different invitations. I sat in the parking lot and filled them out so I could get them out yesterday. They only had one design and they weren't what I really wanted but I had no choice. So I told the company that they were going to have to send me a prepaid postage so I could return the invitations. Oh well I guess as long as the rest of the stuff gets here today everything will work out.
I finally got my corner kitchen nook and table. Our kitchen is so small that we don't have room for a dining table and chairs. So I thought a corner nook would be perfect. Well after a year of searching for a used one. (we are to poor to buy a brand new one) I finally found one. The problem was that it was in Menasha, which is about 15-20 miles north of Appleton, and Appleton is about an hour drive. But I figure for 50 dollars it was worth the drive. A brand new one would run us anywhere from 300-1,000 dollars so I convinced Jim that it was really worth the drive and I had been searching for this table for over a year. So we planned on going up on Sunday. Well as Wisconsin winters go we got a huge storm that came through Saturday. I almost said forget it and didn't go, but Monya called and asked if she could take Charlotte for the afternoon, so Jim and I were by ourselves so we decided to go for it. Well an hour and half trip turned into almost two and a half hours. We finally got it and got home. I was worried that Monya had Charlotte for so long because she has had Charlotte a lot lately, but of course her and Dave didn't care. So now I have my table and when we get it home it is too big for the kitchen. So I thought maybe we could try it in the breezeway. We don't ever use that room and it is such a shame because it has tons of windows and is really a nice room. So once I got it set up in there it looks really nice and now we use the room all the time. I love being able to sit down together as a family to have dinner. Even Jim likes it.
So now I need to get prepared for Sunday. We are going to have a small little picnic type lunch. All of Charlotte's favorites. broccoli, bananas, corn. Just Kidding. I will make that stuff for her but for everyone else I will make a picnic lunch It should be a lot of fun.